It's tough to keep up with work, hubby, two kids, three dogs, two birds, life... so sorry, I'm busy!
Let's see, what have we been up to?
We had Cooper's very small birthday party. He got a Buzz Lightyear, many games, Iron Man pajamas, Super Man sheet set and his oh-so-coveted, DS or Diaz as he pronounces it!
We swam with a few friends and the kids had a blast.
Superman cake-
Gift opening-
He's finally old enough for me to say thank you to everyone as he opens his gifts and since it was such a small group, it worked out well.
His actual birthDAY was the next day, so we had Batman cupcakes for that party.
Two days after his second party, we went to Disney World!
Cooper did great. He loved all of the characters, rides, shows - everything except the heat. It was flipping h.o.t. After an hour of getting to each park, the kids were asleep in their strollers because the heat would just suck all of the energy out of you. At least there's an air conditioned show around every corner.
The crowds weren't that bad, but the groups from Brazil took up most of the parks! They were actually very nice, just so many of them.
They LOVED having their face painted!
Cooper is a "Future Super Hero" (anyone surprised?)
Kara is a "Princess" (again, surprised?)
She ate the lipstick off about 30 seconds after the lady put it on.
We got CinderKara dressed up for her debut to meet Cinderella at the Royal Table in THE castle..ooh la la. It was WELL worth the $$!
Cooper was extra-sweet when his sister was dressed up. Then he decided he needed to "be" somebody for the dinner. The somebody was Buzz.
They got to meet Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Alice and Aurora. I can't remember if Belle was there or not - they're all starting to run together in my mind...
Yes, he was the only Buzz at dinner that night.
Here's Daddy Jim and his etiquette-deprived daughter on the bus to dinner to meet the princess.
Note to self: work on Kara's social graces.
Kara finally meets her idol.
As fast as a fox, Cooper changed into Buzz to meet the rest of the princesses.
Here's Ariel.
Love Cooper's face here - he's like, Wow, Snow White is pretty!
Then we saw Ariel and Eric outside. How'd they do that??!
Sleeping in the shade.
We rented these strollers from Orlando Stroller Rentals.
They were wonderful! The service is excellent and the strollers were so light and easy - perfect for Disney. The strollers were at our hotel (Yacht Club) when we checked in and we just left them at the Bell Service desk when we left - couldn't be easier than that!
We saw many people struggling with umbrella strollers-
Kara spent the rest of the trip holding her ears, crying and saying "I don't like it" to everything!
She was d.o.n.e. by day 4 (out of 6). It was either too hot, too loud or too scary for her.
3 1/2 is still a bit young for that many days at Disney. We'll go back when they're 8+9... and don't need naps... and can walk on their own!
August is looking to be a lively month as well. We're heading to Corpus Christi to the beach for a few days, a couple of birthday parties and play dates are planned then they start their new school. I just spent a fortune on uniforms so I hope they like this school!