So what's been going on over here you ask??
Well - my last post said that Kara would not use a public potty - it's gotten a tad worse but yet a tad better...
She now refuses to use ANYone's potty (including friend's homes) but she did have a breakthrough while we were at the allergist (3 hours by the way). She peepeed in their potty - crying the whole time but still she did it!
I have been carrying a potty in the back of my SUV for such incidents. She has no problem going in the car so that's what we do for now. It's rather easy, I just put a disposable bag down and she goes right in it then I throw the whole thing away.
I think I've mentioned that Kara's been stopped up for the past few months non-stop. So I took her to the allergist (have I mentioned that we were there for 3 hours?? AND it was snowing outside?? AND I had crazy Cooper with me too??) Anyway, our visit there was to do skin prick test. She did fine for the 1st half but the 2nd half, where they inject you on your upper arms under the skin, 10 shots on each side...she screamed and cried. A lot. Yes, they numbed her for both sets of tests. Turns out, she has 15 different allergies. Year round allergies. After that visit, I had to go to 2 different pharmacies with 7 prescriptions! In the snow, in Houston, where it snows about 1/8" every 10 years and people can't drive when it sprinkles much less when it snows.
So here's littlebit with her hippie bong, I mean nebulizer - she actually liked it! Yikes.
Other happenings... we (Kara and I) went to her friend Ben's birthday party at Gymboree.
Wow, you really think your kid has come a long way until she refuses to participate and only does her own thing.
See the little girl in the pink dress all by herself? Yep, that would be Kara.
The party continued and she played on all of the equipment but just didn't want to sit down - maybe it was because of all the excitement and newness.. she did sit for the cake and ice cream though.
Would someone please tell Kara that the party is over? So funny, especially considering that she doesn't even like sweets! BUT she does like the option!
In other news - we went to our friend's house for a little Christmas party and Santa came to visit! The kids were so excited. Cooper in a good way and Kara NOT! Coop ran up to Santa and sat right on his lap and told him he wanted a choo choo train - a black one. We were so proud of him!
Kara was horrified at the thought of the big red guy and absolutely refused to go into the room where he was!
Oh well, maybe next year...